Double-decker bus tour in Tainan

Offer valid until 2023/6/30

Tour Tainan from a high viewpoint!

A tour of the scenic spots and monuments is happiness.
Experience the beauty of the city from a different perspective.

★Tainan Citizen Card Purchase Discount
24-hour pass for NT$99 from 2023/1/1 to 2023/6/30

☆General public and foreign visitors discount
From 2023/1/1 to 2023/6/30
Special price for 24-hour tickets: NT$150 for a full ticket, NT$75 for a premium ticket
48-hour ticket special price: NT$250 for a full ticket, NT$125 for a discounted ticket

>>The ticket is valid for unlimited rides and free transfers to the Greater Tainan Bus within the time limit.

The double-decker bus will be closed on weekdays and operate normally on holidays due to vehicle shifting from March 7, 2011.

2023 Tainan Promotion Coupons

Activity Period:112/7/1-1-112/10/31


掃描業者專屬集章QR Code後,進入活動網站,

Live Show aHouset Yongle Town Drum Tea House

IG New hot spot in Tainan

Walking into the historic Yongle Town Drum Tea House for a truly immersive cultural experience.

  • The combination of cultural food and live show is the first of its kind in Taiwan, and is interpreted in a humorous way with the “answer to the drum”.
  • ainan local lice as the main ingredients with ancient breakfast specialties, tasting the local cultural cuisine.
  • Tainan fusion of traditional and modern elements, showing you a different cultural experience!

Drum Tea House is open from Wednesday to Sunday from PM13:00 to PM21:00.
Facebook search: “Drum Tea House
Location: No. 15, Gong Hou Street, Shui Xian Li, Central and Western District, Tainan City – Yongle Town Drum Tea House
Welcome to contact us: 06-2236722

Pre-purchase package to enjoy the discount:

2023 SHUEI JIAO SHE Cultural Park Promotion

Free admission from 5/3-12/31 for all exhibitions

In order to promote the history of the monument and the culture of the family village.

From now until 12/31/2023 , the Park and its four themed galleries will be open to the public.

The whole park and the four thematic exhibition halls are welcome for free.

Come to the SHUEI JIAO SHE Cultural Park to visit the monuments, enjoy the beautiful scenery and see the exhibitions.

Bookstores and Family Village grocery stores are in the park.

If you want to buy Tainan-related books and limited souvenirs, you can’t miss it!

Business hours

Sunday: 09:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 17:00
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 09:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 17:00
Friday: 09:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 17:00

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